
django-betterforms provides two new form base classes to use in place of django.forms.Form. and django.forms.ModelForm.

class betterforms.forms.BetterForm[source]

Base form class for non-model forms.

class betterforms.forms.BetterModelForm[source]

Base form class for model forms.


Adding errors in betterforms is easy:

>>> form = BlogEntryForm(request.POST)
>>> form.is_valid()
>>> form.field_error('title', 'This title is already taken')
>>> form.is_valid()
>>> form.errors
{'title': ['This title is already taken']}

You can also add global errors:

>>> form = BlogEntryForm(request.POST)
>>> form.form_error('Not accepting new entries at this time')
>>> form.is_valid()
>>> form.errors
{'__all__': ['Not accepting new entries at this time']}

form_error is simply a wrapper around field_error that uses the key __all__ for the field name.


One of the most powerful features in betterforms is the ability to declare field groupings. Both BetterForm and BetterModelForm provide a common interface for working with fieldsets.

Fieldsets can be declared in any of three formats, or any mix of the three formats.

  • As Two Tuples

    Similar to admin fieldsets, as a list of two tuples. The two tuples should be in the format (name, fieldset_options) where name is a string representing the title of the fieldset and fieldset_options is a dictionary which will be passed as kwargs to the constructor of the fieldset.

    from betterforms.forms import BetterForm
    class RegistrationForm(BetterForm):
        class Meta:
            fieldsets = (
                ('info', {'fields': ('username', 'email')}),
                ('location', {'fields': ('address', ('city', 'state', 'zip'))}),
                ('password', {'password1', 'password2'}),
  • As a list of field names

    Fieldsets can be declared as a list of field names.

    from betterforms.forms import BetterForm
    class RegistrationForm(BetterForm):
        class Meta:
            fieldsets = (
                ('username', 'email'),
                ('address', ('city', 'state', 'zip')),
                ('password1', 'password2'),
  • As instantiated Fieldset instances or subclasses of Fieldset.

    Fieldsets can be declared as a list of field names.

    from betterforms.forms import BetterForm, Fieldset
    class RegistrationForm(BetterForm):
        class Meta:
            fieldsets = (
                Fieldset('info', fields=('username', 'email')),
                Fieldset('location', ('address', ('city', 'state', 'zip'))),
                Fieldset('password', ('password1', 'password2')),

All three of these examples will have appoximately the same output. All of these formats can be mixed and matched and nested within each other. And Unlike django-admin, you may nest fieldsets as deep as you would like.

A Fieldset can also optionally be declared with a legend kwarg, which will then be made available as a property to the associated BoundFieldset.

Fieldset('location', ('address', ('city', 'state', 'zip')), legend='Place of Residence')

Should you choose to render the form using the betterform templates detailed below, each fieldset with a legend will be rendered with an added legend tag in the template.


To render a form, use the provided template partial.

<form method="post">
     {% include 'betterforms/form_as_fieldsets.html' %}

This partial assumes there is a variable form available in its context. This template does the following things.

  • outputs the csrf_token.

  • outputs a hidden field named next if there is a next value available in the template context.

  • outputs the form media

  • loops over form.fieldsets.
    • for each fieldsets, renders the fieldset using the template betterforms/fieldset_as_div.html

      • for each item in the fieldset, if it is a fieldset, it is rendered using the same template, and if it is a field, renders it using the field template.
    • for each field, renders the field using the template betterforms/field_as_div.html

If you want to output the form without the CSRF token (for example on a GET form), you can do so by passing in the csrf_exempt variable.

<form method="post">
     {% include 'betterforms/form_as_fieldsets.html' csrf_exempt=True %}

If you wish to override the label suffix, django-betterforms provides a convenient class attribute on the BetterForm and BetterModelForm classes.

class MyForm(forms.BetterForm):
    # ... fields

    label_suffix = '->'


Due to a bug in dealing with the label suffix in Django < 1.6, the label_suffix will not appear in any forms rendered using the betterforms templates. For more information, refer to the Django bug #18134.